All-in-one health insurance ecosystem , providing seamless access to telemedicine, specialized wellness programs, and on-demand assistance—simplifying care and empowering healthier, happier lives.

All-in-one health insurance ecosystem , providing seamless access to telemedicine, specialized wellness programs, and on-demand assistance—simplifying care and empowering healthier, happier lives.
AutoShield AI transforms vehicle protection with predictive insights, automated claims, and real-time support—delivering faster resolutions, proactive care, and a seamless...
Generali Italia and Welion's health services ecosystem integrates digital and physical health services, offering protection, wellness, prevention, and efficient claims...
Generali Italia MeToDo centralizes all customer activities into a single digital platform, providing real-time data and integrated functionalities to enhance...
Securian Canada and CAA partnered to create a digital-first insurance experience for over 7 million CAA members across Canada. This...
CaixaBank has announced a large-scale training initiative to enhance customer service for elderly clients. More than 30,000 employees will undergo...
Deon Kotze, Chief Commercial Officer at Discovery, highlights their comprehensive dataset, enabling a deep understanding of behavior and its impact...
The service allows account holders to grant limited access to a trusted caregiver, enabling oversight of transactions without relinquishing financial...
Debasri Ghosh, Head of General Insurance and Health Propositions at Standard Chartered Bank, highlights Asia, where the bank's affluent clients...