Why do you consider your company a Global Transformative Innovator?
Innovation plays a crucial role in our Industrial Plan (2022-2025), as key factor for Digital Transformation. An Innovation dedicated Department has started up in 2014. Innovation is pervasive and embedded in overall day by day Bank’s activities, impacting business and operational models, regulatory mandates and governance, till ESG customer’s business scoring and workplace (e.g.: reskilling internal resources to face the new technological challenges coming). We launched:
• Isybank, an innovative Bank with fully digital customer experience, supported by a native in cloud technology, in partnership with a fintech company.
• AIxeleration a program to spread A.I. adoption across overall Intesa Sanpaolo Group.
Moreover, we established market standards in Balance Sheet ESG evaluation with Innovative approach (tools and processes). Currently Chief Transformation & Organisation Officer leverages upon “Innovation & Processes” Department to facilitate Bank’s digital transformation. So far “Global” for us is across our banking business and over.