Qorus Banking Innovation Awards 2021

2021 was the eighth edition of the now Qorus Banking Innovation Awards. The awards competition, which recognizes the best in banking innovation, attracted a record-breaking 816 entries from nearly 300 institutions in 73 countries this year.

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  • Offering Innovation

    Breakthrough concepts that dramatically enhance or transform the products or functions which generate revenue for banks, such as credit, payments, open banking and others.

    See Winners
  • Neobanks & Specialized Players

    The creation and/or application of innovative technology that substantially enhances customers’ banking experience and/or develops new sources of revenue for the industry. This category is reserved for banking start-ups and spinoffs, and technology firms working within the banking industry, whose innovations are stage-one funded, have a market release proposition, and/or have completed a successful market proof of concept.

    See Winners
  • Digital Marketing & Sales

    Innovations that transform the bank’s awareness generation, positioning, lead management and conversion, and related customer communication.

    See Winners
  • Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

    Innovations that use data, analytics and AI at scale to improve the bank’s offerings, experiences and operations.

    See Winners
  • Reimagining the Customer Experience

    Significant enhancements in the bank’s distribution channels and its management of customer communications, engagement and relationships.

    See Winners
  • Future Workforce

    Changes to work, the workforce and the employee experience. This includes the use of data, technology and new approaches to how employees are supported by machines and upskilled, and how work is organized, performed, measured and managed.

    See Winners
  • Social, Sustainable & Responsible Banking

    Innovations that advance the bank’s social purpose and its commitment to being a good corporate citizen and a true ally of its customers.

    See Winners

Featured Innovations

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    Enterprise Architect Governance Platform

    Thanks to the Enterprise Architect Governance Platform (VK EAGF), both existing processes have been improved (Demand Management System) and new...

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation


    Intelli-Collect is an AI powered Intelligent Collection system comprising of Contactless Connect & Digital Collect strategies, supported by a bouquet...

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    Satfarm Intelligence

    The SatFarm Intelligence project acts as an accurate forecasting & planning tool for the team by defining the health of...

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    iGenome, our approach to N=1

    Hyper Personalization (N = 1) for driving Customer Life time value powered by Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    e-Discounting System (e-DS)

    With an objective of eliminating manual reconciliation, dependency on financial intermediary and brokers and transit time to physical LC advising,...

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    Nykredit’s sustainable and unique value proposition for Danish homeowners

    Being a customer owned bank, but also Denmark’s, by far, leading lender, Nykredit has a great potential, but also responsibility,...

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    Trade Chain

    Trade finance is plagued by slow, paper-heavy processes which is vulnerable to document fraud & duplicate invoice financing. Cumulatively, these...

  • 30/09/2021Banking Innovation

    VK Genesis

    VK Genesis innovation was created both to improve existing processes and to create new processes/services.