
“We are building a bank the world loves to use.” This quote from Gilles BianRosa, Chief Product Officer at N26, emphasizes the new paradigm in customer relationship for Banks and Insurers. Personalization of the customer and prospect experience is now a strong trend, driven by the arrival of new players on the market and by renewed consumer expectations.

Wavestone & Qorus have conducted a study with financial players from around the world to measure the maturity of our sectors in the face of this challenge and identify the key success factors. 

Come and discover the final conclusions of this study and comment on them with Bora Üzüm, Director of Analytics and Data Governance at Yapi Kredi (Turkey), Sachin Chandna, Head of Customer Intelligence & Engagement at Emirates NBD (UAE), José Antonio Molleda Fernández, Head of Product Management and Innovation at Allianz Partners (Spain), and Frédéric Hoehn, Sales Director at Credit Agricole (France).


Pierre Bondu
Manager Financial Services
Bora Uzum
Yapi Kredi
Director of Analytics & Data Governance
Sachin Chandna
Emirates NBD
Head of Customer Intelligence & Engagement
Frédéric Hoehn
Credit Agricole SA
Sales Director (Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence)
Jose Antonio Molleda
Allianz Partners
Global Head of Product Management and Innovation
Austin Sweeney
Regional Director, United Kingdom, Ireland and Nordics
