A year after its launch, Agilauto Partage, a rural carsharing service developed by Crédit Agricole and the local government of the Pays de Fayence, has attracted over 600 users. This service, launched in September 2023, offers residents, businesses, and tourists access to electric vehicles in an area with limited public transportation options. With a population of 29,000, the region has embraced this flexible, environmentally-friendly alternative, registering a 145% increase in users since January 2024.
Agilauto Partage provides 16 electric vehicles, including DS3 e-Tense models, Peugeot e-Expert vans, and Peugeot e-Traveller minivans. The service caters to a variety of needs, from individuals whose vehicles are temporarily unavailable to businesses and tourists exploring the region. With an average of 50 rentals per month and peak demand during summer, the service has exceeded its initial goals, demonstrating strong local interest.
The carsharing program is rooted in the community, employing local residents to manage the fleet and assist users. To further solidify its local impact, Agilauto Partage has partnered with a local assistance platform, providing free vehicle access to volunteers helping residents with limited mobility.
Building on this success, Agilauto Partage aims to expand to 10 additional rural communities by 2026, further promoting sustainable transportation solutions in underserved areas. As a key initiative in Crédit Agricole's broader societal commitment, the service offers a flexible, cost-effective alternative that supports both economic mobility and environmental goals.