Financial Innovation Spotlight: September 2024 edition

Digital Reinvention
16/09/2024 Article
profile picture of Boris Plantier

Boris Plantier


Head of content

Banks, insurance companies and fintechs are in a constant race to meet the ever-evolving needs of their customers. The goal is to innovate, distinguish themselves from competitors, enhance the customer experience and journey, and even uncover new revenue streams.

In this fifth edition of the Financial Innovation Spotlight, we’ve handpicked five new projects that caught our attention over the past month. It’s a global journey that begins in France, where fintech epargnoo offers life insurance based on a community model. Next stop: the UK, where building society Nationwide is offering dementia clinics in some of its branches, and Santander has launched a campaign featuring deepfake videos to raise awareness about AI scam risks. Then we head to India, showcasing DBS Bank’s new tailor-made priority program for seniors. Finally, in the US, Ally has created a financial wellness program focused on money psychology.

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