Global study highlights the growing threat of AI and deepfakes

Digital Reinvention
12/08/2024 News

In today’s digital world, ensuring the trustworthiness of individuals within digital ecosystems is critical. Whether it's employees accessing sensitive data, customers conducting online transactions, or citizens interacting with government services, misplaced trust can lead to devastating consequences.

The rise of deepfakes and other AI-driven deceptions has heightened these risks, making robust identity verification solutions essential for safeguarding digital interactions and maintaining the integrity of online environments.

A recent global survey of technology decision-makers across various industries underscores the growing concern over deepfakes. The study by iProov found that 70% of respondents believe AI-generated attacks will significantly impact their organizations. Despite recognizing these threats, there remains a troubling gap between awareness and action. While 73% of organizations are actively implementing cybersecurity measures to combat deepfakes, 62% are worried that their efforts are insufficient.

Deepfakes have become a top security concern, now tied with phishing and social engineering attacks as the third most prevalent threat, following password breaches and ransomware. In response, 75% of organizations are turning to facial biometric solutions as their primary defense. This shift reflects a growing trust in facial biometrics for more secure identity verification, surpassing traditional methods like passwords.

Moreover, nearly all respondents (94%) expressed a preference for biometric security partners that offer more than just software. There is a strong demand for comprehensive solutions that include continuous monitoring, multi-modal biometrics, and advanced liveness detection to ensure the authenticity of the person being verified.

As AI and deepfake threats continue to evolve, the study highlights the urgent need for organizations to adopt more proactive and robust security measures to protect their digital ecosystems.

Download the study on iProov's website

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