How RBC accelerated its digital transformation in small business banking

SME Banking
18/09/2023 Video
profile picture of Don Ludlow

Don Ludlow

Royal Bank of Canada

Vice President Small Business, Business Financial Services Strategy & Partnerships

Don Ludlow, Vice President of Small Business, Business Financial Services Strategy & Partnerships at RBC, presents the RBC's SME banking digital transformation driven by the epiX program. He also discusses how the Canadian bank is assisting its business clients with funding through RBC Ventures and helping them transition into the digital realm with advice, tools, and a selection of beyond banking partners.

If you want to go further, you can watch the full webinar ‘The five maturity levels of SME Banking: A journey from digital transformation to disruption' or download your free copy of the report 'The five maturity levels of SME Banking: A journey from digital transformation to disruption' by Qorus and Veripark.

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