Data analytics 2022: Société Générale

Digital Reinvention
15/12/2022 Interview
profile picture of Christina Poirson

Christina Poirson

SG - Societe Generale Group

Group Chief Data Officer

Christina Poirson, Group Chief Data Officer at Société Générale, talks about her company and its data analytics strategy.

What is your role and the scope of your responsibilities within the company?

I am CDO of the Societe Generale Group. In this role, in conjunction with the Group's general management and the Innovation department, I define the Group's data strategy, coordinate its implementation within the Group's various business lines, and manage all Group data issues at the strategic and regulatory levels. To this end, I am supported by a network of 65 CDOs and Chief Data Custodian Officers s in all the Group's entities, business lines and support functions. 

The data experts within the Societe Generale Group represent a community of about 1,000 people. The Societe Generale Group has chosen to organize the data sector around the ‘data life cycle’, from its creation to its destruction. The responsibilities of the data offices thus cover the subjects of governance and data quality, data protection, valuation and use of data, and also archiving and purging. In order to be exhaustive, we should also mention our responsibilities for the repository data known as Group data (Customer, People, Product repositories, etc.), which represent an essential asset for sharing and consolidating data between the Group's various businesses.

Moreover, the transformation into a data-driven company requires significant investments in terms of corporate culture, the definition of a training policy, in collaboration with HR teams, and data awareness actions are also within the scope of responsibility of the Data Office. 

Ultimately, our mission is to create an ‘ecosystem’ that promotes the quality, access, interoperability and use of data while ensuring compliance with all regulatory and legal obligations.


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