Qorus Banking Innovation Awards 2023

2023 was the tenth edition of the now Qorus Banking Innovation Awards. The awards, which honor the best ideas and practices transforming the industry for the benefit of banks and their customers, attracted more than 450 entries from 182 institutions in 61 countries, with applicants ranging from agile start-ups to the world’s largest financial institutions this year.

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  • Social, Sustainable & Responsible Banking

    Innovations that advance the bank’s social purpose and its commitment to being a good corporate citizen and a true ally of its customers. #UniversalDesign #BarrierFreeBanking #FinancialInclusion #FinancialLitteracy #MicroCredit #SocialCrowdfunding #GreenBanking #Transparency #SocialImpact #EnvironmentalImpact

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  • Reimagining the Customer Experience

    Significant enhancements in the bank’s marketing, sales and distribution, and its management of customer channels, communications, engagement and relationships. #DistributionModelInnovation #DigitalTransformation #DigitalSales #NewBranchLayout #SocialSales #BrandAwareness #ArtificialIntelligence #CustomerAnalytics #DataDrivenPersonalization #PhygitalDistribution  

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  • Core Offering Innovation

    Breakthrough concepts that dramatically enhance, transform, or tailor them to specific market segments. This could include traditional banking products such as credit, payments and advice. #ValueAddedServices #NicheOrientedOffering #DigitalPlatform #MobilePayments #InvisiblePayments #CryptoCurrency #BuyNowPayLater #OperationalExcellence

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  • Neobanks & Specialized Players

    The creation and/or application of innovative technology that substantially enhances customers’ banking experience and/or develops new sources of revenue for the industry. This category is reserved for banking start-ups and spinoffs, and technology firms working within the banking industry, whose innovations are stage-one funded, have a market release proposition, and/or have completed a successful market proof of concept. #Fintech #Attackers...

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  • Future Workforce

    Changes to work, the workforce and the employee experience. This includes the use of data, technology and new approaches to how employees are supported by machines and upskilled, and how work is organized, performed, measured and managed. #WorkforceEmpowerment #EmployeeExperience #Learning #DigitalHR #AgileWorkforce #Automation #HumanAICollaboration

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  • Beyond Core Banking Offerings

    Creative new products that change the bank’s business model and expand or redefine its role. These novel offerings may be developed and distributed by the bank alone or with ecosystem partners in other industries. They may either be stand-alone banking products or be incorporated into broader, more diverse non-financial offerings. #Ecosystems #Marketplaces #Superapps #NewProducts #OpenBanking #API #EmbeddedFinance #NewBusinessModels

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