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Featured Innovations
- 13/09/2017Banking Innovation
ING Digital Onboarding
The fully digital experience that allows you to became ING client in just few minutes!
- 12/09/2017Banking Innovation
Removing the hassle of giving, saving and spending pocket money
- 12/09/2017Banking Innovation
Integrated Cashlite Payment Solutions
Cash management solutions for counties, institutions.
- 12/09/2017Banking Innovation
Digital online wealth management
Easy access, low cost, simple to use online wealth management.
- 12/09/2017Banking Innovation
UBI Banca- Phygital Distribution Model
For the first time an Italian Bank is facing the challenge of a complete redefinition of the Bank / Customer...
- 12/09/2017Banking Innovation
Mobile Identification
Mobile Identification makes it possible to identify yourself in a fast and simple way without visiting a bank.
- 12/09/2017Banking Innovation
Code.YapıKredi is a software development program which provides education and support for those young minds with potential. The program includes...